Copy of UC 110621 093


Benefits of homework and independent study

Homework is a vital aspect of college life and if homework is not completed to a good standard or it is not handed in on time students will be asked to attend a homework support session at lunch time to ensure that the homework is completed and support students with other homework that is due. There will be staff members present to support them with their homework and the session will be recorded on their behaviour log.

Repeated failure to complete homework or attend homework support means that a student is not engaging with their learning in a way that will ensure good progress and the Pastoral team will contact parents/carers to check at home. The college can work with you and your child to improve engagement and ensure homework is completed.

We have a homework support group for students with additional learning needs and there are spaces around the college where students can stay to work after college if they find concentrating at school easier or do not have an internet connection at home.


Homework Timetable 2024-2025